Sports Fence Upgrading Project Report


West End Lawn Tennis Club




Prepared By:

The Committee & Members

West End LTC


October 2003


Table of Contents

1. Summary.............................................................................................................................. 3

1.1      Project Overview............................................................................................. 3

1.2      Project Impact.................................................................................................. 3

2. Project Cost Analysis............................................................................................. 4

2.1      Final Costs........................................................................................................... 4

2.2      Initial Estimates............................................................................................. 4

2.2.1     Fence Project Scope...................................................................................... 4

2.2.2     Fence Post Materials..................................................................................... 4

2.2.3     Fence Support Labour Costs....................................................................... 4

2.2.4     Sports Fencing Material............................................................................... 5

2.2.5     Sports Fencing Installation Expertise....................................................... 5

2.3      North County Funding................................................................................. 5

3. Project Results............................................................................................................ 6

3.1      Before & After................................................................................................... 6

3.1.1     West Side.......................................................................................................... 6

3.1.2     West Side from North..................................................................................... 7

3.1.3     North Side........................................................................................................ 8

3.1.4     North Side Detail........................................................................................... 9

3.1.5     South Bank.................................................................................................... 10

3.1.6     Driveway........................................................................................................ 11







1. Summary

1.1        Project Overview

This report is intended to give an overview of the initial application process and outcomes of the recent fencing project undertaken at West End LTC and supported by North County.

At the outset of the project we were given a great deal of support and guidance by our County Development Officer, Mandy Martin.  It was only with this support and backing that we were encouraged to make the submission and although the cost estimates made at the time of the application are still valid the overall work programme undertaken by the club has exceeded the initial plan.

The change in the scope of the project was brought about by the enthusiasm generated by being awarded the funding from North County, which then inspired many of the club members to lend a hand to make the overall impact of the project much greater than original budget might have suggested.

1.2        Project Impact

The images contained in section 3 of this report try to convey some of the impact made by the improvements around the courts at West End as a result of this project.  As can be seen from these pictures the general landscaping as well as the condition and appearance of the sports fencing makes a dramatic improvement to the overall impression of this tennis facility.



2. Project Cost Analysis

2.1        Final Costs

The table below gives a breakdown of the project spending.

Building stone to repair wall


Sand shingle and cement


PVC Chain link fencing – 6 rolls & 28 tensioning fixtures


Fence posts


Bolts and drills


Paint & brushes        


Installation expertise


Materials & expertise sub-total


Installation labour costs (From West End LTC)




2.2        Initial Estimates

The table below gives a breakdown of the project’s initial estimates.

Fence Post Mounting, Securing and Access Changes - Material


Fence Post Mounting, Securing and Access Changes - Labour


Sports Fencing Materials


Sport Fencing Installation Expertise




Note: All of the above estimates include VAT

2.2.1      Fence Project Scope

This work will include making good the existing wall, fence posts and adding an entrance gate to the courts for court maintenance.

2.2.2      Fence Post Materials

The materials for the fence post mounting, securing and the access changes are estimated at £650.

2.2.3      Fence Support Labour Costs

The labour to carry out these changes is estimated at £2000.00.  This labour estimate will be the contribution made by West End LTC.

2.2.4      Sports Fencing Material

The fence material costs are based on the estimates below and the purchase of 4 rolls of 1.8m high and 1 roll of 2.75m high along with the tensioning wire and tensioning fixtures.  The total for this is estimated at £600.

2.2.5      Sports Fencing Installation Expertise

In order to have the fence fitted and tensioned correctly it is planned to employ fencing expertise and this is estimated at £250.

2.3        North County Funding

To help with this project North County were able to provide a grant of £1500.  This award made the project possible.


3. Project Results

3.1        Before & After

To help illustrate the impact of this project and the funding support from North County the following series of pictures are included in this report.

3.1.1      West Side

Image 1: Before – West Side

Image 2: After – West Side

3.1.2      West Side from North

Image 3: Before – West Side from North

Image 4: After – West Side from North

3.1.3      North Side

Image 5: Before – North Side

Image 6: After – North Side



3.1.4      North Side Detail


Image 7: Before – North Side Detail


Image 8: After – North Side Detail

3.1.5      South Bank

Image 9: Before – South Bank

Image 10: After – South Bank

3.1.6      Driveway

Image 11: Before – Driveway

Image 12: After – Driveway